Archive for November 29, 2007

What were they thinking?

Posted: November 29, 2007 in Uncategorized

Every morning Mr. Jazz and I trudge to the car and head out to work. We cross Mount Royal, Montreal’s own little mountain/parc – designed by the way by Olmstead, the same guy who did Central Park in New York. But that has nothing to do with anything.

The “mountain” (more of a big hill actually) is smack dab in the middle of the city. Every day we cross it to get from Outremont (which translates roughly as “the other side of the mountain” where we live) to Westmount (you don’t need any translation here, obviously) where we both work.

Yesterday, I noticed that they had repainted the yellow lines on the road across the mountain. In itself, this is good as they had faded away to nothing.

But (of course there has to be a but doesn’t there…)

But there has been snow in Montreal, it’s winter after all. And when you say snow on the mountain, you say sanding. It’s the first road to be sanded because it’s a nasty ass hill. So what did our wonderful muncipality do? Yep, they painted over all that sand – they even painted over snow and ice in some places. Because they were scheduled to paint the lines on November 20 and that is what they did. Why not wait until spring? It’s not as if people don’t realize we drive on the right. Montreal drivers are maniacs, granted, but not such stupid maniacs they drive on the wrong side of the road. We’re maniacs in our own lanes. Why waste my money doing this? Because evidently they can…

Obviously, lots of cars use this road, and cars displace sand. So now the whole centre of the damn road is bright yellow. And eventually the rain will wash all this yellow sand away, which will leave the lines extremely, well, unliney. Not to mention the fact that all that sand will be washed into the earth and I’m thinking that ain’t very environmentally friendly.

But what do I know? I’m just a stupid taxpayer.

The mind, it boggles.


In other news, I don’t know what’s been happening with this blog, but over the past couple of weeks I’ve been getting comments from tons of new people. I don’t know how you found your way here, but welcome over.

They only problem with this is all these new interesting blogs I’ve discovered. I can’t keep up! I’m reduced to reading the boys one day and the girls the next.

I need to stop working to earn a living and spend all my time blogging and reading blogs. Yep. That sounds like a plan.