
Posted: June 11, 2007 in Uncategorized

Today is my mom’s birthday. 80 she is and in fine form (milestone #1). So, to celebrate – and knowing full well it wouldn’t cause a heart attack – we threw her a surprise party at JazzSis’s place on Saturday. It was fun having the family together at the same time. Except for BB’s daughter, who had to go to a wedding; she’s at that age now when you have a wedding practically every weekend over the summer. Damn, that summer is expensive! But I digress.

So we ate, we drank, we played in the pool…

I’ve never posted a picture of myself here, because as you know, I’m one of those rare holdouts who haven’t quite made it into the late 20th century, let alone the 21st – no cell, no computer, no digital camera, hell, no microwave! – and scanning paper pics and stuff sort of sucks.

Big Brother, however is firmly rooted in the 21st century. Name a toy, BB has it, being a boy and all. And he had his camera…

So, ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever (*aside*… drumroll please, c’mon, louder, this is a momentous milestone), I bring you BB and Jazz and two windows of JazzSis’s house in the background…

Milestone #3: I don’t look like a complete fool on this pic. Amazing indeed.

  1. You rook maahvelous…And not jarringly different from how you looked in my mind’s eye. Fancy that! Welcome to the 21st Century, Jazzy one. And you mom to her new decade.

  2. Jill says:

    I still can’t believe there’s anyone in north america without a microwave. That makes at least half the food choices at the local grocery store completely unavailable!You look smashing! And happy. Happy birthday to JazzMom. 🙂

  3. Ian Lidster says:

    You both look wonderful and ‘exactly’ what you looked like in my imagination. Actually, a hell of a lot closer than even I might have anticipated. Thank you so much for doing that.Ian

  4. Anonymous says:

    damn glad to meet you, pretty woman!~bp

  5. Voyager says:

    Great photo. You look so happy and full of life, is it the Quebecois Joi de vivre? (I probably spelled that wrongly, and am too lazy to switch to the French keyboard, but you get the idea.)V.

  6. Hageltoast says:

    aww, you two are sooo cute!

  7. Jazz says:

    Joe – Temporarily in the 21st century. It’s not my camera!Jill – I am the sole holdout. When the apocalypse comes and microwaves die, I’ll actually know how to cook food.Ian – Whoa! you scare me sometimes.BP – Glad to um.. be met by you BPVoyager – It might joie de vivre, but it also might (more probably actually) be the wine which brought on the “hey, lets take a pic for our blogs” moment.Toast – Cute??? Now watch Jazz collapse on the floor laughing hysterically.

  8. geewits says:

    Well hey there Jazz it’s nice to meet ya! You never know what your reaction will be when you see a photo for the first time in a blog situation, but I wasn’t surprised at all. You guys are quite cute and look way more well-adjusted than your writing suggests! Hee hee. But okay, aren’t there THREE windows back there? Maybe one of them belongs to someone else?

  9. choochoo says:

    no microwave? Not even a tiny little one? How about a sandwhich toaster, at least? Water boiler? Gimme something!!!

  10. Jazz says:

    Geewits – That’s the key. Looking way more well adjusted than we actually are. That way we can fool them all… well, except the bloggers.Chooch – I have a toaster oven and I have a water boiler (known as a kettle ’round these here parts). I even have two kettles, one at home and one at the cottage, because I’m such a tea whore, i am i am…

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